Feed Your Creativity
POLI.design operates in the field of design acting as an interface between universities, companies, and professional organizations, institutions and bodies.
It develops training programmes for young graduates and professionals, as well as training programmes for companies that are closely focussed on innovation. It operates from the perspective of internationalisation, establishing partnerships of purpose with universities, schools, bodies, institutions, enterprises, and companies on a case by case basis.
The cornerstone of POLI.design lies in the disciplines of design and of the related professions. This dimension of design is broader and more systematic than ever; it takes on strategic importance and contrasts not just with the product dimension, but also the dimension of communication, services, spaces, fashion, and events.
It is a flexible structure that draws on the deep reservoir of internal skills at the Politecnico di Milano. It puts advanced teaching and research methods to the test, consolidates and anticipates the professional skills needed to adapt to the new demands of a society undergoing a radical transformation, and brings the supply of training and research developed in a university context into line with the demand for innovation present in the world of production and in society.